Dec 8, 2023Liked by Olivia Muenter

"I’ve gained weight in a year where it’s seemed like everyone is losing weight." THIS! I feel like a lot of the slow inching of anti-diet / body positive / weigh neutral mentality I've built myself over the last few years has really taken a hit this year based on all the shit in all the news and on instagram and with celebs and my neighbors and everyone and their uncle using medicines off-label to shrink their bodies yadda yadda yadda.

Just chiming in to say I feel you, I treasure your work and your vulnerability and your beauty, and you are a light amidst the hellscape that is sometimes the internet!

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I love this. I want to be friends with her (you!) too! Here’s to the best month yet ✨

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Olivia Muenter

I found myself holding my breath while reading this because I wanted to hold onto every next word, and then, I found myself exhaling loudly at the end because it felt cathartic. Thank you for sharing, Olivia. P.S. I also want to be friends with the person who cries with strangers during a Christmas festival :)

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I think this was my favorite one yet, even though all of your writing ends up striking a chord with me. Reading your work is like listening to a song that makes you think, “yes, that’s exactly what I’m feeling.”

Thank you for being you and for sharing your gift with us Olivia!

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i love everything about this so much. as someone who also had a bad-good year crippled with intense physical insecurity, yes. there she is!!!

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Olivia Muenter

Just wanted to say I love that you're the kind of person that will sit on their couch and drink coffee and think about a specific moment. I'd love to be friends! Hope the rest of your year is equally wonderful.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Olivia Muenter

Chiming in that I want to be friends with her, too. I really needed this post today/this week/this month/this whole damn year. Have a beautiful December, Olivia! xx

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Olivia Muenter

Thank you for this one ❤️

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Olivia Muenter

If I ever leave the South, you’re making me consider the Hudson Valley! It sounds so magical (and I’m convinced we could be friends!). Either way, I’m always so appreciative of what you share here. It’s been a shit year for me in terms of gaining weight and having to reshape my sense of fashion/taste and what looks good on me etc. It does help so much to know other people feel that too.

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Olivia! I love your posts. I found you recently when I started listening to Bad On Paper after reading Becca’s new book and I have to say I always look forward to your posts and reading your perspectives. What you share online, especially so openly, feels so refreshing. Also, I love the December mindset you have, you’ve inspired me!

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Olivia Muenter

I’m joining your month of December--hoping that this fresh start of the month is better than the rest!

Your perspective and vulnerability about body image has drawn me in ever since I heard your BIP episode with Jennifer Weiner (I think that was the one). I can’t remember what you and Becca said exactly, but it was what I needed to hear. I’ve been following ever since, and I love any time you address those topics--I feel understood for home complicated and frustrating the whole topic of body image can be. Thanks for writing, posting on IG, and sharing on BIP❤️

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Thank you so much for sharing this ❤️ Describing a year as “wobbly” really resonates with me, and it’s so lovely to hear about your December glimmers shining through the wobbliness 🥰

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What a beautiful ending to this essay. I'm going to think about this line: "That person sounds great to me. That person is me." a lot.

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