A lot of what you share here resonates with academic critiques of social media that point out how it is entangled with the ideals of neoliberalism and capitalism. This book in particular might be of interest to you: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/consuming-the-body-9781350225336/ . I appreciate how it contextualizes a lot of these common sentiments about social media within the broader economic landscape!

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Thank you so much! I can't wait to read this. I feel like part of understanding how I feel about the industry is untangling all of this, too, so I appreciate the rec so much!

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Such transparency, such honesty, such insight. I appreciate this.

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Thank you very much, Kelly!

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Here for your writing, not your links 😘

(though I did send your target pants link to a friend who bought them immediately)

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Listen, I am flattered by both of these sentiments. The pants are, indeed, excellent.

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“Somewhere along the way, I had started to create things because I had followers instead of having followers because of what I created.” 🤯

Thanks for writing such a relatable essay. I’m also struggling with my own version of this as my life transitions more into *author things* vs *influencer things.*

Loved your book so much! As a fellow Quirk author, I was lucky enough to get an ARC from the team. SABI had incredible twists up until the very end. Congrats on finishing another book, too!

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Thank you so much, Tawny! It really is a strange line to walk. And it's scary to figure it out!! But possible, I think. I appreciate you reading. <3

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Wow. Beautifully done. Brave. Brava. Thank you! We needed this.

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Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the essay.

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And support reproductive rights! I’m in!

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Nodding my head to all of this you genius!!!

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I'm so flattered. Thank you, Erika!!

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Very insightful read. Thanks for sharing!

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And thank you for reading <3

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Wow! This may be my favorite post of yours. It was SO interesting to hear your experiences and perspective. Personally, I prefer writing more than "influencing" too and for me I found a good middle ground for that in prioritizing blogging over social media. I absolutely love connecting with people and book people are always the nicest, but I totally agree that influencing can also distract you from living, make you feel bad, etc. You gave such an honest and smart take on it all, and I'm thrilled to see you finding what works for you personally.

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Thank you so much, Jules! I really appreciate this. I'm definitely still figuring a lot of it out, too. It's a process!!

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This is whip smart and crazy insightful, both from an inward reflection for you and an outward reflection for your audience. Nicely done, Olivia.

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Thank you, Kristen!! That means a lot to me.

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Sooo good. I remember my exe boyfriend used the terms “trying to be an influencer or “something” against me when I first started creating online. I wish more people knew the creativity and work that went into it like many other communications jobs.

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Agree! The stigma and judgment is unreal.

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Love this. I left a job as a school principal two years ago to go back into the classroom. I think people are still confused but I am SO much happier. I think we need to normalize less stuff and making “enough” money doing jobs we prefer over the higher paid ones.

Well said, Olivia!

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This is so fascinating. And good for you for doing the thing that felt best for you regardless of what is deemed more "successful." It's hard!! But worth it, I'm sure.

I wish more of us had the space and flexibility and support to do this.

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This is so good and it takes a lot of bravery to give something up and chase something else!

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Thank you! I really appreciate that, Robin. <3

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Nice work on this. Always appreciate your authenticity in all subject areas. I love watching you grow in your writing and photography and all the things. I especially love to see your confidence and self assurance steading and you still giggle at yourself. Its a privilege. Keep up the great work!

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This is so kind. Thank you, thank you.

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Great piece… excited to read your book 📕 💪🏼🥰

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Thank you so much!!

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As someone in the process of tapering off from working in sellevision and into full-time writing, I really relate to this. Finishing my second book now!

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I've never heard the term 'sellivision' and now I am very curious. Off to google.

In any case, though, wishing you the best of luck. It's not easy but you're definitely not alone!

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