Welcome to Desk Tour, a series where I interview creative folks about their desks and workspaces. In case you missed it: Jessie Randall’s Desk Tour from last time. You can also browse the entire catalog of Desk Tours.
As I’ve shared about here before (potentially ad nauseam), I’ve spent the past year(s) of my life attempting to rearrange my social media habits. I wanted to spend less time staring at my phone numbing out and then feeling bad afterward, a simple thing in theory, of course, but in practice, much harder. After a lot of trial and error, I’ve found a balance that works for me. In the process, I have also spent a lot of time considering what kind of content I do like consuming. What feels inspiring to me? Useful? Comforting? I’ve largely come to the conclusion that what I want to invite more of in my life is the same thing I’m trying to produce — writing that radiates warmth, vulnerability, and connection. Beyond that, I am open to anything. Give me shopping content, news round-ups, cultural deep dives. I’m ready.
I think this is why I love the energy that
brings to social media and Substack (and all her work!). Everything she shares is smart, honest, and very often extremely useful. I enjoy her very popular 5 Smart Reads news digests as much as I do her more personal life updates and reflections. Hitha is a CEO, author, mother, and a few other things, too (she’s a self-proclaimed multi-hyphenate). She really does seem to do it all, and I’m so thrilled to share a look into her office space today.OM: Describe your workspace.
HP: I have a beautiful home office - a light-filled room that looks over our patio and a giant tree that makes me feel like I'm in a treehouse. There's a fireplace I plan to actually use this winter, with my great-great uncle's portrait hanging above it (he was the original drug development genius in our family). My desk is of the sit-stand variety, but I've rarely ever raised it.
I have the requisite bookshelf (with carefully curated with copies of my books and awards) behind my desk, mostly for my Zoom backdrop. In addition to my father and son's desks in the room, there's a pink velvet loveseat that's become home base for PR mailers, old papers that I should probably toss, badges from events, and a pile of my favorite planners that I stockpiled when they were back in stock. I fantasize working from this couch, with the fireplace lit and music softly playing in the background. Instead, I plod over to our family room and plop into a wing-backed armchair, with my computer balanced on a lap tray, my planner on the small table next to me, and an ambiance video playing on YouTube when I need to be comfortable or have a change of scenery.
I tend to fixate on what I haven't done yet versus the incredible things I have done, and I keep these books in my eye line to remind me that I did that, and I'll do more
OM: What are your three favorite items on your desk right now?
HP: My candle lamp + a Hotel Lobby Candle Spa candle. I don't know what it's in this scent, but something about it just locks my brain in "focus mode" and is largely responsible for my most focused days. A stack of my books. I tend to fixate on what I haven't done yet versus the incredible things I have done, and I keep these books in my eye line to remind me that I did that, and I'll do more. It's technically under my desk, but a ottoman (mine is one I found at Homegoods and carried home the same day) is a must for me - if I can't kick my feet up, I find it very difficult to focus on...well, anything.
It's not on my desk, we have the most beautiful chandelier in my office. It's one that my family has owned since I was 7 years old, and it's lit up our foyers and dining rooms in most of our homes. When we moved my parents to a new home, we brought it to New York and had it installed in this space. I can't explain how it makes me feel, but I feel lighter, happier, and at peace when it's on.
OM: Do you keep anything specific at your desk that you use as inspiration to stay creative or positive?
HP: My kids are always writing me little notes or leaving a small craft they've made on my desk. Right now, I have a iron-on bead rainbow that Rho made, a paper rainbow flower that Rhaki made in school, and a card they both wrote in for me. It's not on my desk, we have the most beautiful chandelier in my office. It's one that my family has owned since I was 7 years old, and it's lit up our foyers and dining rooms in most of our homes. When we moved my parents to a new home, we brought it to New York and had it installed in this space. I can't explain how it makes me feel, but I feel lighter, happier, and at peace when it's on.

OM: Is there anything you absolutely HAVE to have at your desk/workspace or you can't be productive?
HP: My Full Focus pocket planner is my productivity GOAT. If I don't plan my day and tick everything off, I will just aimlessly answer emails and scroll and write a bit, and close the day feeling like I got nothing done. A time cube. When I feel overwhelmed, I stick to a version of the Pomodoro method (30 minutes of focused work, 5 minute break) and it helps me stay focused. I also keep a craft work-in-progress on my desk to do when I'm taking a break, especially if I'm writing. Right now, I'm obsessed with these diamond art kits, and will usually play an audiobook while I bedazzle to my heart's content. I work mostly from my external monitor, but I keep my laptop open and play an ambiance video from YouTube on it for some cozy vibes and ambient music. Right now, this one is my favorite - it's moody, cozy, and is really perfect for fall.
I need one of my obnoxiously large tumblers on my desk at all times, filled with 5 ice cubes and water (it's the perfect drinking temperature for me). Now that it's getting chillier, I try to have a cup of tea (in a proper cup, on a saucer) next to me as well. I really love Pique's dissolvable peppermint tea crystals, but will switch to green tea if I didn't sleep well.

OM: Is there anything you'd change about your workspace? If so, what?
HP: I would love to have built-in bookshelves installed in the space, with a rolling ladder to meet my Beauty and the Beast fantasies. Realistically, I'd like to move the pink couch to the other side of the fireplace and create a personal wall-of-fame (awards, print press, pictures and letters that mean a lot to me) hanging above the couch. I would also figure out a system to keep the clutter to a minimum - my husband knows I'm anxious when little piles of stuff start popping up everywhere. And right now, it's starting to grow into a veritable mountain range on my poor couch.
OM: Describe your ideal work day at your desk.
HP: I'd reach my desk by 9:30 in the morning, after getting through my morning routine uninterrupted, my kids eating their breakfast and getting ready for school with no complaints, and getting in a solid workout. Freshly showered and dressed (in a perfectly comfortable but still polished look), I'd sit at my desk with a giant tumbler of water and a cup of hot tea. I place my phone in a drawer and fire up a cozy ambiance on my laptop's screen, with only my calendar open on my monitor. I'd review my planner for the day, block off the open chunks of my time on my calendar for specific tasks, and immediately get to work on the most urgent task of the day (usually my Rhoshan Pharma email, followed by check-ins with my team, reviewing reports, and following up with external stakeholders and partners). An ideal day would mean one with no meetings, but I try to schedule mine between 11-2 (after I've been able to tackle a critical task and before my mid-afternoon slump). You are lying if you don't check yourself out on a Zoom, and I'm very check that I don't have food in my teeth and my bookshelf looks tidy behind my head. I spend the last few hours of work curled up in the armchair. I resist every urge to put on Housewives and instead play a jazzy ambiance video, and tackle the last emails, administrative tasks, and plan the following day. I plug my computer back in on my desk, put my planner on my nightstand, and shift into mom mode - pickups, dinner, the bath and bedtime routine (or a rare night out, going to an event or meeting friends for dinner).
OM: Where can people find you on the internet?
HP: Instagram. Substack. Paperback edition of [my book] We’re Speaking.
Note from Olivia: I swear I felt my body physically relax when reading through Hitha’s ideal work day. Not because it seems particularly relaxing (the woman is balancing a lot!!), but because there is something so comforting about the tiny minutiae of someone’s day — the hot tea, the comfortable outfit, the way they time their meetings. It’s exactly why I started these interviews, and I loved reading about Hitha’s day. I also should absolutely take a page out of her book and stop scheduling my meetings smack dab in the middle of my afternoon slump.
Be sure to check out all the past editions of Desk Tour!
PS: One last thing before I go… you can order my first novel NOW! If you’ve already read and enjoyed, I would be honored if you would leave a kind review or rating on Goodreads or Amazon. It makes a world of difference. I appreciate your consideration, time, and support immensely.
A portion of November’s subscriber proceeds will go toward the Center for Reproductive Rights, which is currently working to build, enforce, protect and defend legal protections for reproductive rights around the world.
I love the cozy ambiance video suggestion, I put it on immediately!
That chandelier 😍😍😍