Hi, everyone! Today I’m coming to you with something a little different, inspired by how much people seemed to like this post. I find ‘day/week in the life’ content so enjoyable because it’s a celebration of the mundane. It’s easy to go through life feeling like you are living for the next big vacation/promotion/life milestone, but I think the day-to-day stuff matters just as much. In fact, I actually think it matters more.
I really like my life lately. It’s all (arguably) pretty boring, and most days look like some version of this post, but I try to remind myself that boring is kind of the dream. I did way too much for way too long, and it’s rewarding to reflect on how my career has changed in the last few years. I’ve worked really hard to center my days around writing, and I am so thankful for all the people and changes and choices that have made that possible.
And if you’ve ever wondered what a typical week day looks like for me now, here it goes… a random Tuesday in my life, no boring detail spared.

7:00 - 7:30
Today I wake up without an alarm at exactly 7 a.m. on the dot, as I do most days lately. My brain just seems to be programmed this way. I didn’t sleep well the night before, so I waste time on my phone before dragging myself out of bed. I respond to texts from friends, scroll through my email, then open Pinterest. Jake is already out of bed and I make myself start moving once Winnie heads downstairs too because, I don’t know, FOMO?